More than 60% of ALFRA products are manufactured in 4 locations throughout Germany.
ALFRA supply more than 120 countries worldwide from their Hockenheim headquarters, which is well-known for its DTM circuit Hockenheimring.
The ALFRA trader network covers a huge part of the globe, so that nearly everyone can use high-quality ALFRA products while enjoying their various application advantages.
Made in Germany – Made by ALFRA
You should not expect less.

Cutting Systems
ALFRA are experts in cutting holes, though this may sound a bit strange its also very simple. In fact for over 40 years ALFRA have dealt with various tools and techniques refining the cutting process for different materials in a precise and simple way.
Basis for our tools are optimized base materials for the blanks as well as best and balanced qualities for the carbide teeth.
Basis for our tools are optimized base materials for the blanks as well as best and balanced qualities for the carbide teeth.
Over a long period we have developed this product further and made it to a product which, nowadays, users appreciate around the world.
Click the image below to open the ALFRA cutting systems solutions catalog